Sunday, October 19, 2014

This is totally Big-Time.  We're going to take this show on the road. We're going to acquire this bus (well, not the original one of course--it probably no longer exists... if it does actually still exist, well, let me know!) we're going to paint it pink, and it will essentially serve as a 'replica' though it won't be easy to replicate the whole damn thing.

Anyways, we're going to get a "Big-Time" pink bus. We're going to go further than that, we're going to outfit it with old VCRs and technology, and we're going to drive it around the country and we're going to document the "Max Headroom" Culture we all find ourselves in. We're going to make videos on VHS camcorders, we're going to hand out videotapes, and we're going to have Alphabet Soup parties and events. We're going to meet off-grid people, you know, "Blanks" and we're going to hand out cans of Alphabetti, and we're going to interview Blanks, Retro-punks, Off-Gridders, retro-gear-heads, Max Headroom cast members (if we can find them), and who wouldn't do a interview when this bus pulls up?

We're going to hand off the videos we make to people who will put them on Youtube for the cyborgs, and we'll also do actual mailings to those who will be on the "Blanks" mailing list. You will send us a "Blank" (tape that is) and we'll ship you off our latest "tape." We'll offer alternative media to those cyborgs still glued to the internet and their laptops, such as a file on a DVD-R or something, but you will only be able to receive these "tapes" via the mail. Now here's the interesting part, we're going to have to try and do a lot of this without the luxury of all the instantaneosity of the ever-convenient and omniscient and omnipotent internet!  So once we get the bus painted and ready to go, we're taking it real. To the real world. If somebody wants to put one of our tapes on the internet, so be it, but we're not going to fuck around with all that internet shit once we're off!

We're also going to show people that "Blanks" are people too, and those without PAYPAL accounts, credit cards and Facebook pages are human, and are not evil mutants bent on the destruction of the 'free world.' We're going to be a force of good in this world, and it will all operate out of the "Big-Time" Bus which will go on tour... to events, to the Fringes, to your own house!

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