Monday, October 20, 2014

The Bus

The first goal is to get a bus and turn it into Blank Reg's "Big-Time" TV bus.  There were actually several different buses used in the show upon close examination. At least two version of what appears to be the same kind of bus, and another one which looks nothing like it that has fluorescent lights tacked to the sides.  We're not likely to find the exact kind of bus in America used in the Pilot/20 Minutes Into the Future because of one very specific and obvious feature, the door is on the wrong side, and probably the steering wheel.  After all, they drive on the other side of the road, or we do, depending on how you look at it.  The point is, unless we get really lucky, we're not going to find a british or european bus exactly as the one used in the first few episodes. It appears to be a Willowbrook model from the 70s, but we'll also eventually try to track down the actual model used which they modified. In one shot it appears they added a third wheel or a fake third wheel but only on one side of the bus!

The objective for us is to find something that looks as close as possible and then look closely at all the junk they added to modified for its 'futuristic' look and mimic that. Then to paint it pink and to apply the "Big-Time" Logo on the sides of the bus. We'll look carefully at the inside as well, and attempt to replicate that, it's likely because of the expense the neon signs will be last on the list.

This "Big-Time" Bus, however, isn't going to be simply a replica, and it isn't just going to sit there in some nerd's driveway so he can have something cool...

This Bus will then serve as more than a replica of the Max Headroom Bus, it will go on the road, it will be a symbol, and we'll be using it to carry out a number of other projects which everyone who contributes and everyone else will have the opportunity to be involved in. This is the "Blanks Bus" and we're going to work out of it to create the Blanklist Newsletter, create video content, take it to where we can film that content and all kinds of interesting things along the way.

We are going to set up a P.O.Box for the Newsletter and for contributions. We're not just asking for monetary contributions, we're asking for your involvement as well.  We're going to do everything we possibly can with this bus, it will be more than a prop.

We're going to travel to meet interesting people to interview, to film locations, to find cast members of the Max Headroom Series if we can, and for those who can invent related projects of their own out there, we'll drive out to see you as well!  Out of the bus, we'll edit videos which we can send to those who mail in to the P.O.Box, who have an address. We'll be creating a full length documentary, video diaries, and all kinds of content we film wherever we go. We'll meet up with people living offline, off grid and off the wall. We'll meet up with Max Headroom Fans, Max Headroom events, science fiction conventions, custom car shows, retro-tech people and whatever activities they have, we'll be finding people and places and writing about them in the Newsletter. People who get the physical copy Newsletter will learn about where they can go to live offline and off grid, where other people are doing it, how they did it, how they do it and what they do with it.

We'll report on the Dystopia which looks more like the world of Max Headroom every day, and we'll conduct various other fun activities with the bus. We won't be whoring it out, but we'll be offering for use in short films, parties and other projects for the Blanks and those who contribute and join this project.

There are people who seek a life outside the ridiculous absurdity and suffering of the Grid, and whether they've already done it, or they are trying to figure out how to do it, we'll be helping people with information and even if you need to be picked up, if we're going that way, we'll be happy to help out anyone with a plan.

There are so many things we'd like to do with this Project it will be daunting listing them all here, so check back.  This is only the beginning.

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